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The Pursuit of Happy-ness

"In every shining moment of happiness is that drop of poison: the knowledge that pain will come again."

~Albus Dumbledore

The title of this piece has been taken from book/movie of the same name. To those who don't know about it, highly recommended. 

Here I am. Once again writing about something that has been on my mind since forever and once again failing miserably to do justice to it. :/

Image Courtesy: ScoopWhoop

"The pursuit of happy-ness"

For as long as I can remember,
I've thought that happiness, 
true happiness, when it comes,
would be the one
where nothing, not a single
thread of sorrow 
would hold me back. 
That true happiness meant
only delight in your heart
with no sign of despair.
That my 'truly happy'
would be where every
ounce of anguish would be
erased from my life,
even if just for a short while. 
And for as long as I can remember,
I've looked forward to it.
I've awaited my moment of 
complete and unadulterated bliss.

Awaited it like,
everytime I'd be happy,
a small corner of my heart
would drift off to what ifs.
What if this too could have been accomplished?
Oh! If only that hadn't happened,
this moment could have been so much more wholesome.
I used to think that no matter who we are
or what we have done, 
we all deserve a moment like that 
even if just once in our lives. 
That we owe it to ourselves. 
To the little human that 
resides inside all of us. 
And that has perhaps, 
dampened what those moments
could actually have been.

I've waited for it. 
I've cried dreaming for it.
I've yearned for it, worked for it
and even prayed for it.
And yet, it seems like
all I've done is find more 
reasons to crib over.
Do people who say things like,
"live in the moment" actually do it?
Or are they just preachy?
And if it's so easy 
for a drop of misery to rain 
over all of our sunshine
then why does even an ocean 
of happiness fall short
to make up for the sorrows?

Maybe, it's not possible
for them to not coexist.
Maybe, happiness isn't absence
of sorrow but rather
acceptance of it.
Maybe, feeling it inside
your bones is just a side effect
and happiness isn't 
necessarily meant for that.
Maybe, happiness is just a way 
to make us anticipate what
could be waiting on
the other end of the tunnel
so we can be daring enough
to walk through it.
Maybe, as Chris Gardner would say,
"Happiness is something we can 
only pursue and never actually have it."


  1. चाह गई, चिंता गई, मनुआ बेपरवाह
    जिनको कछु न चाहिए, वे शाहन के शाह।।
    मनुष्य की जितनी भी उपलब्धियां हैं उनके मूल में सुख पाने की चाह है। हमारी हर सांस सुख की खोज में है। वास्तव में सत चित्त और आनंद की जो धारणा है,वो अनुभूति से ही पाई जा सकती हैं। आंखों से दिखने वाली दुनिया केवल सुख की मृग मरीचिका है।जन नेत्र बंद कर अंतर्मुखी ध्यान होगा, तो, केवल वही सुख हमेशा के लिए होगा।
    तुम्हारा लेख उसी शाश्वत कि ओर इशारा करता है। बेहद सुंदर अभिव्यक्ति।

    1. आभार। इतने खूबसूरत तरीके से इसकी व्याख्या के लिए।🙏

  2. It has warmth. Your writings comes as a breeze of fresh air which heals the soul.
    keep on writing.

  3. Really felt happy and soothing ❤️


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